"What are my own particular favorites among the names of minor planets? Certainly I like the ones where there is some particular `connection' between planet and name." Brian G. Marsden (writing in 1999) Director, IAU Minor Planet Center In Lutz D. Schmadel, _Dictionary of Minor Planet Names_, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001) p. viii From an edition of the _Oxford English Dictionary_ planet [...] 2.a. _Mod. Astron_. The name given to each of the heavenly bodies that revolve in approximately circular orbits round the sun (_primary planets_), and to those that revolve around these (_secondary planets_ or SATELLITES). The primary planets comprise the _major planets_, of which nine are known, viz., in order of distance from the sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and the _minor planets_ or ASTEROIDS, the orbits of most of which lie between Mars and Jupiter. [...] 1878 HUXLEY _Physiogr._ xxi. 371. Astronomers are acquainted with 182 bodies called planets.