Blouse videography


Into Black

(Donpro73, official) (76rwc, unofficial)


(cquacks77, official) (gares, unofficial)

Time Travel

(76rwc, unofficial)

Live tracks

2011-06-04 - Holocene - Portland OR

Into Black (mnmrmt, 8mm)

2011-09-24 - Doug Fir - Portland OR

Time Travel (mnmrmt)

2011-10-21 - Mississippi Studios - Portland OR

White Controller They Always Fly Away (mnmrmt, 8mm) They Always Fly Away (apheleon, HD+, 0:45) Videotapes Into Black (PleaseClearTheArea, HD+) poster

2012-01-11 - Doug Fir - Portland OR

Roses Time Travel (SonicAmublanceTV, HD)

2012-01-12 - Sunset Tavern - Seattle WA

Shadow Firestarter Time Travel They Always Fly Away Controller Fountain In Rewind Nights and Days Roses White Videotapes Intro Black SR audio recording

2012-01-19 - Cafe Du Nord - San Francisco CA

Time Travel Firestarter They Always Fly Away White Controller Fountain In Rewind Videotapes Into Black (squaak) thehappyone audio recording Selected tracks (thehappyone) (tracks 3-4 and 6-8)

2012-01-20 - Soda Bar - San Diega CA

Time Travel (rafadro) Into Black (supereit)

2012-01-22 - The Echo - Los Angeles CA

Time Travel Firestarter Roses (Rptyle) Firestarter Roses Shadow Videotapes (Hipster73)

2012-01-31 - 285 Kent - Brooklyn, NYC

Controller Shadow Time Travel Firestarter (Spaeztle, iPhone vertical) White They Always Fly Away (tiny0wl, HD) Fountain In Rewind Videotapes Into Black Entire performance (iwaseasymeat, HD)

2012-02 - Bowlegs Music

Time Travel White (bowlegsmusic, HD)

European Tour

Tour Itenarary

2012-02-06 - Music in Beta at The Castle Hotel - Manchester

Time Travel Controller White Videotapes Into Black (stepunker) They Always Fly Away (TheAlexH)

2012-02-07 - Shacklewell Arms - London

Firestarter Controller White Videotapes Into Black Roses (Andunemir) Time Travel Shadow (7relampago)

2012-02-09 - Subbacultcha at OT301 - Amsterdam

Videotapes (rubendekker, iPhone vertical)

2012-02-13 - Comet Club - Berlin


2012-02-15 - Le Consortium, Dijon

FD session Shadow Into Black (faitsdiversshow) live performance Time Travel Controller (faitsdiversshow)

2012-02-19 - Festival Fireworks at Point Ephemere - Paris

Time Travel (drkglb) White (stetienne81, HD+)

2012-02-21 - Les Trinitaires, Metz

Ghost Dream (Otomatrique, HD)

2012-02-25 - Circolo degli Artisti - Rome

Firestarter (komaboy, HD+)

2012-03-1x - SXSW - Virgin Mobile LiveHouse - Austin, TX

Shadow (virginmobileusa, HD, vocals very low during first half of song)

2012-03-18 - SXSW - The Parish - Austin, TX

Firestarter (brittanymancini) crappy P--tf--k live review

2012-04-05 - The Echo - Los Angeles, CA

Time Travel Shadow Videotapes (Hipster73)

2012-04-06 - The Echo - Los Angeles, CA

Time Travel Videotapes (cpscott513)